Women ENCourage network conference _ presenting the Fairness in Teaching project

We are proud of presenting our poster and short paper with preliminary results from the Fairness in Teaching Erasmus + project from our project portfolio at the 1 womENcourage™ 2023 Conference.  This is the 10th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: which is hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, […]

How to prevent and contrast gender race and diversity bias through AI: co-creative  and inclusive tech-design via gender+ responsive innovation


The 1st #cocreation workshop for the Horizon Europe BIAS Project in Venice was a success!For us, being in charge of designing the cocreation methodology for the project consortium, this result is particularly meaningful, especially as we know the workshops were extremely productive in all partners’ countries. We engaged in very interesting conversations with amazing people on collaborative work around […]

Cultivating Collective Innovation: The Power of Co-Design for Structural Change


What do we mean with co-design? Co-design is a participatory technique that can be used in a variety of contexts, from organizational planning and forecasting to policy or product design or collaborative research.  The approach involves different stakeholders collaborating and connecting their knowledge, skills and resources in order to contribute to a design task, building on the different […]

Comunità di pratiche su insegnamento stem e inclusione del progetto erasmus+ fit- fairness in teaching: call per manifestare interesse alla partecipazione


Il progetto Fairness In Teaching (FIT) (Erasmus+, 2022-2024) si pone come obiettivo lo sviluppo di un approccio che renda più eque le pratiche di insegnamento sia nella scuola primaria che secondaria, specialmente nelle discipline STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics).  La sfida che ispira FIT riguarda i persistenti stereotipi, di genere, razza, classe, orientamento sessuale, […]